5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your CNC Machine Tools


Whether you use your CNC machine tools for milling, grinding, or another manufacturing function, its ability to perform will largely influence the level of efficiency at which the machine is able to operate and the level of productivity it's able to deliver. If you don't feel like you've been able to achieve high marks in these areas, the machinery might not be solely to blame. It could be the manner in which you are taking care of your CNC machine tools.

1. Good Housekeeping

Always practice good housekeeping when it comes to operating and maintaining the CNC tools. A quick wipe down of the machinery to remove any grime, dirt, metal shavings or other debris buildups that accumulate on the machine's surfaces is an excellent place to begin. All of this buildup can seep inside the machine and cause functionality issues if allowed to become excessive. 

2. Low Fluid Levels

Regularly check to ensure that the machine has an appropriate amount of fluid, especially hydraulic fluid. Hydraulic fluid delivers power to your machinery, so a drop in the machine's hydraulic fluid level will result in reduced power, and ultimately a reduction in the performance of the tool. Carefully monitor the fluid levels to know exactly when the fluid level is too low. 

3. Routine Lubrication

A CNC tool functions with a number of moving parts. Just as with any other piece of machinery with many moving parts, lubrication is essential. Too little lubrication can create friction, which can cause the machine to under perform and become more damage prone. Ideally, lubrication should be a daily practice in an environment where the machinery undergoes heavy usage. 

4. Fine Adjustments

As the machinery operates, it's not uncommon for the automatic tool changer to somewhat shift over time. If the automatic tool changer is not aligned correctly, it can cause the system to jam during its function, which will halt production. The best solution for this problem is to perform routine fine adjustments to ensure everything is aligned. 

5. Wear Inspections

Always examine the level of wear the machinery has experienced. Wear monitoring is important because it gives you more control when it comes to detecting an issue with the system before it becomes a large-scale concern, especially when it comes to the spindle belts. Keep in mind; regular lubrication can also help minimize wear. So, the more you lubricate, the less you have to check for wear.

Increased efficiency and productivity can only be expected when you do your part to take care of your machine tools. So, it's essential you keep maintenance an important factor.  


15 January 2019

Spreading the Word About Industrial Topics

Have you ever thought about how many products you use every day that were created in factories? Although people are usually pretty quick to underestimate just how powerful the industrial market is, the fact of the matter is that most things would be pretty different if people didn't work all day to create products from raw materials. I wanted to spread the word about industrial topics, because the fact of the matter is that industrial equipment has changed our world. I am completely focused on helping other people to appreciate industrial topics, because it really is important for the functionality of our world. Learn more here.